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10 Live Chat App for Shopify to Boost Your Customer Service



In today’s digital landscape, e-commerce has grown exponentially, transforming the way businesses operate and customers shop. With this transformation, customer service’s significance has heightened, evolving into a crucial aspect of e-commerce that businesses cannot afford to ignore.

Customer service is often what differentiates successful online businesses from those struggling to keep up. It’s no longer just about the quality of products or services provided; customers now seek immediate responses, personalized interactions, and efficient problem-solving. When implemented effectively, superior customer service can lead to increased customer loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and ultimately, improved sales.

In e-commerce platforms like Shopify, one of the transformative tools that businesses leverage to deliver exceptional customer service is a live chat app. Live chat apps, such as Tidio Live Chat, Zendesk Chat, WhatsApp Chat + Abandoned Cart, among others, allow businesses to interact with their customers in real-time. This instantaneous form of communication can lead to faster resolution of issues, timely responses to inquiries, and an overall enhanced shopping experience for customers.

The role of a live chat app for Shopify in enhancing customer service cannot be overstated. It not only serves as a medium for communication but also a tool that can significantly impact customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, the business’s bottom line. As we delve into the top 10 live chat apps for Shopify in the upcoming sections, we’ll discover the unique features each offers and how they contribute to boosting customer service.

live chat app for shopify

Table of Contents

The Impact of a Live Chat App for Shopify

The integration of a live chat app for Shopify can greatly elevate the customer experience, setting a higher standard for online customer service. Here’s how:

Firstly, live chat apps provide instant, real-time communication, which is a highly valued aspect of customer service in today’s fast-paced digital environment. Customers no longer need to wait for hours or days to receive a response via email. With a live chat app, they can get answers to their questions and resolutions to their issues within minutes.

Secondly, live chat apps often provide personalized service. Chat apps can keep track of previous customer interactions, providing a seamless experience for returning customers who won’t need to explain their history each time they need help. This personalized experience can significantly enhance customer satisfaction.

Lastly, live chat apps can offer convenience to the customers. They can browse the website, chat with the customer service agent, and carry out transactions all in one place. This eliminates the need for switching between different platforms and provides a smooth, unified shopping experience.

From the business perspective, these enhancements in customer experience can lead to several benefits. With faster, more efficient customer service, businesses can expect to see increased customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more likely to make a purchase, leading to increased sales.

Moreover, live chat apps can help improve customer retention. A smooth and enjoyable shopping experience encourages customers to return to the same store for future purchases. This not only secures a steady customer base but also increases the chance of these customers recommending the business to others, thereby expanding the business’s reach.

In summary, the impact of a live chat app for Shopify on customer service is considerable. It not only elevates the customer experience but also offers significant benefits to the businesses themselves. In the increasingly competitive e-commerce environment, having a reliable live chat app could be the edge that businesses need to succeed.

Key Features of Live Chat Apps

  • Improve Customer Engagement

    Provide instant responses, enhancing customer satisfaction.

    Proactively engage with customers based on their behavior on the site, improving interaction.

    Personalize communication, increasing the chance of sales.

    Utilize chatbots for 24/7 service, ensuring customer queries are addressed at all times.

  • Boost Conversion Rates

    Reduce bounce rate by quickly addressing customer queries.

    Increase order value by providing real-time product recommendations.

    Reduce cart abandonment by addressing customer concerns immediately.

    Expedite the sales process by assisting customers through the checkout process.

  • Enhance Customer Support

    Provide real-time problem resolution, leading to customer satisfaction.

    Utilize chat transcripts to better understand and address customer issues.

    Allow file sharing to aid in resolving complex customer queries.

    Use automated responses to provide immediate answers to common questions when agents are not available.

  • Optimize Business Operations

    Use analytics to gain insights into chat performance, helping to improve service.

    Integrate with other software to streamline operations.

    Use chat routing to direct customers to the most suitable agent, enhancing efficiency.

    Customize the chat interface to align with the brand, providing a consistent customer experience.

Top 10 Live Chat Apps for Shopify

Tidio Live Chat

live chat app for shopify

Introduction and Overview

Tidio Live Chat is a cutting-edge chat solution for businesses and e-commerce platforms, including Shopify. The app’s primary goal is to simplify communication between businesses and their customers, fostering a highly responsive and engaged environment.

Boosting Customer Service on Shopify

Tidio Live Chat enhances customer service on Shopify by offering a real-time communication platform. This immediacy enables businesses to respond to customer queries and issues promptly, thereby improving customer satisfaction and trust. Moreover, Tidio’s automated chatbots can deliver instant responses even when human operators are unavailable, ensuring that customer inquiries are never left unanswered.

Key Features and Benefits

Among Tidio Live Chat’s many features, a few standout ones include:

  1. Chatbots: Tidio allows businesses to design chatbots that can answer frequently asked questions, collect customer data, or even recover abandoned carts, providing a 24/7 service.
  2. Multi-Language Support: Tidio supports numerous languages, catering to a global customer base.
  3. Integrations: Tidio can seamlessly integrate with numerous other apps and platforms, allowing businesses to create a cohesive operational ecosystem.

The benefits of using Tidio Live Chat are manifold. The app improves customer interaction, which can lead to increased conversion rates and sales. It also enables businesses to deliver 24/7 customer service, which boosts customer satisfaction and potentially, customer loyalty.


  • Free Plan
  • Premium Plan: Starting from $19/month

Zendesk Chat

live chat app for shopify

Introduction and Overview

Zendesk Chat, formerly known as Zopim, is a reputable live chat software used by businesses worldwide, including those on Shopify. This robust chat tool is designed to streamline customer support, providing a platform for real-time conversations between businesses and their customers.

Enhancing Customer Service with Zendesk Chat on Shopify

Zendesk Chat enhances customer service on Shopify by providing businesses with the tools they need to offer immediate, personalized support. It enables real-time conversations that can significantly reduce response time, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

With Zendesk Chat, businesses can engage customers proactively, initiating chat sessions based on predefined conditions like the time spent on the site or the number of visited pages. This proactive engagement can help businesses address potential issues before they arise, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Key Features and Benefits

Zendesk Chat offers a wide range of features that cater to businesses of various sizes. Here are some of its key features:

  1. Real-time Chat: Allows businesses to communicate with their customers in real time, solving problems and answering questions immediately.
  2. Chat Analytics: Provides insight into chat volume, visitor experience, and agent performance, which can help improve customer service strategies.
  3. Customization: Allows businesses to customize the chat widgets to match their brand.
  4. Automated Triggers: Enables businesses to send automated messages based on customer behavior.

The benefits of Zendesk Chat extend beyond immediate customer support. It also provides valuable insights that can help businesses improve their customer service strategy, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction, increased conversion rates, and ultimately, improved sales.


  • Premium Plans: Starting from $49/month

WhatsApp Chat + Abandoned Cart

live chat app for shopify

Introduction and Overview

WhatsApp Chat + Abandoned Cart is a versatile Shopify app that capitalizes on the global popularity of WhatsApp. This app allows businesses to engage with their customers in a familiar and widely-used platform, while also offering functionalities to address common e-commerce challenges such as abandoned carts.

Empowering Customer Service on Shopify

WhatsApp Chat + Abandoned Cart empowers customer service on Shopify in several ways. Firstly, it offers businesses a direct line of communication with customers through WhatsApp, a platform known for its ease of use and global reach. This direct communication can improve the speed and efficiency of customer service, leading to increased customer satisfaction.

Secondly, the app’s abandoned cart recovery feature allows businesses to send personalized messages to customers who have left items in their cart without completing the purchase. This proactive approach can help businesses address customer concerns that might have prevented the completion of the sale, thereby improving customer experience and potentially increasing sales.

Key Features and Benefits

Key features of WhatsApp Chat + Abandoned Cart include:

  1. Direct Chat via WhatsApp: Provides a platform for immediate, direct communication with customers.
  2. Abandoned Cart Recovery: Sends automated messages to customers who have abandoned their carts, encouraging them to complete the purchase.
  3. Customization: Allows businesses to customize the chat button and the messages sent for abandoned cart recovery.
  4. Multilingual Support: Supports multiple languages, catering to global businesses.

The benefits of WhatsApp Chat + Abandoned Cart include improved customer service through immediate, direct communication, and the potential increase in sales through effective cart recovery strategies.


  • Free


live chat app for shopify

Introduction and Overview

LiveChat is a renowned live chat software used by businesses globally to provide instantaneous support to their customers. With its comprehensive features and ease of use, LiveChat is a top choice for Shopify merchants looking to enhance their customer service experience.

Boosting Customer Service using LiveChat on Shopify

LiveChat augments customer service on Shopify by facilitating real-time communication. This platform allows businesses to deliver swift and efficient support, leading to quicker issue resolution and improved customer satisfaction.

In addition, LiveChat enables proactive engagement with customers, allowing businesses to initiate chats based on customer behaviour such as time spent on the site or certain pages visited. This preemptive approach can enhance the shopping experience, leading to higher customer engagement and potentially increasing sales conversions.

Key Features and Benefits

LiveChat comes with an array of impressive features, including:

  1. Real-Time Chat: LiveChat offers a platform for instant interaction between businesses and customers, ensuring quick resolution of queries and problems.
  2. Proactive Chat: LiveChat allows businesses to engage customers proactively, sending personalized chat invitations based on predefined rules and customer behaviour.
  3. Chat Transcripts: Businesses can send chat transcripts via email, providing both the customer and business a record of their interaction.
  4. Visitor Tracking: LiveChat provides insights into customer behaviour on the site, enabling businesses to tailor their customer service strategy and marketing efforts more effectively.

The benefits of LiveChat extend beyond immediate customer support, it can also provide valuable insights to help businesses improve their service strategy, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction, and ultimately, improved sales.


  • Free Plan
  • Premium Plans: Starting from $9.90/month


live chat app for shopify

Introduction and Overview

Gorgias is an advanced customer service platform that is designed to streamline customer support for e-commerce businesses. With its robust integration capabilities, Gorgias allows businesses to manage all their customer interactions from one place, thus significantly improving efficiency.

The Role of Gorgias in Strengthening Customer Service on Shopify

Gorgias plays a vital role in strengthening customer service on Shopify by offering a unified platform for customer interactions. It integrates with multiple communication channels, including email, live chat, phone calls, and social media, enabling businesses to respond to customer queries from one centralized location.

This efficiency in managing customer interactions can significantly improve the speed and quality of customer service, leading to improved customer satisfaction and potential increased sales. Furthermore, Gorgias’ automation features can further enhance customer service efficiency by automating common tasks such as tagging and routing tickets.

Key Features and Benefits

Key features of Gorgias include:

  1. Multi-Channel Integration: Gorgias integrates with various communication channels, offering a unified platform for customer interactions.
  2. Automated Responses: Gorgias allows businesses to set up automated responses to common queries, improving efficiency and response time.
  3. Ticket Management: Gorgias offers robust ticket management features, including tagging, assigning, and prioritizing tickets.
  4. Performance Analytics: Gorgias provides detailed insights into customer service performance, helping businesses identify areas for improvement.

The benefits of Gorgias include improved customer service efficiency and quality, and the potential for increased sales due to improved customer satisfaction.


  • Premium Plan: Starting from $10/month

Chatra Live Chat

live chat app for shopify

Introduction and Overview

Chatra Live Chat is a live chat software designed to help businesses engage with their customers more effectively. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set, Chatra Live Chat is an excellent choice for Shopify merchants looking to improve their customer service.

Enhancing Customer Service with Chatra Live Chat on Shopify

Chatra Live Chat enhances customer service on Shopify by providing real-time and asynchronous communication capabilities. The live chat allows for instant responses to customer inquiries, while the asynchronous messaging ensures that the conversation history is saved, allowing customers to continue their conversation where they left off. This flexibility can greatly improve the customer service experience.

In addition, Chatra Live Chat offers automated chat features that can provide instant responses to common questions, ensuring customers get the help they need even when live agents are unavailable.

Key Features and Benefits

Key features of Chatra Live Chat include:

  1. Real-Time Chat: Chatra Live Chat offers real-time communication, allowing businesses to provide instant support to their customers.
  2. Asynchronous Messaging: With Chatra, the conversation history is saved, and customers can continue their conversation at their convenience.
  3. Automated Responses: Chatra allows businesses to set up automated responses to frequently asked questions, ensuring customers receive instant help.
  4. Visitor Tracking: Chatra provides real-time visitor tracking, enabling businesses to offer proactive support.

The benefits of using Chatra Live Chat on Shopify include improved customer satisfaction due to the instant, flexible communication, and potentially increased sales due to improved customer service.


  • Free Plan
  • Premium Plans: Starting from $21/month

Facebook Live Chat

live chat app for shopify

Introduction and Overview

Facebook Live Chat is a chat tool that integrates the messaging capability of Facebook directly into your Shopify store. With billions of users worldwide, Facebook’s reach is substantial, and this app leverages this audience to create a seamless connection between businesses and their customers.

The Impact of Facebook Live Chat on Customer Service on Shopify

By enabling real-time communication via a platform that many customers are already using daily, Facebook Live Chat can significantly enhance the customer service experience on Shopify. It allows businesses to provide immediate, direct support, addressing inquiries and resolving issues swiftly, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

Moreover, through Facebook Messenger, businesses can also send order confirmation and shipping updates directly to customers, providing an additional layer of customer service.

Key Features and Benefits

Key features of Facebook Live Chat include:

  1. Integration with Facebook Messenger: Provides real-time communication with customers via a familiar and widely-used platform.
  2. Automatic Messaging: Enables businesses to send automated messages, such as order confirmations and shipping updates, directly to customers.
  3. Customizable Chat Box: Allows businesses to customize the chat box to align with their branding.
  4. Mobile-Ready: The chat is fully responsive and works seamlessly on mobile devices, which is crucial as more and more people use mobile for online shopping.

The benefits of using Facebook Live Chat on Shopify include improved customer service due to real-time, direct communication, and potentially increased customer engagement due to the familiarity and wide use of Facebook.


  • Free to Install

Pure Chat

live chat app for shopify

Introduction and Overview

Pure Chat is a live chat software that enables businesses to engage with their customers in real time, providing instant customer service. This platform offers a suite of tools designed to improve communication with customers and convert website visitors into customers.

Boosting Customer Service with Pure Chat on Shopify

Pure Chat enhances customer service on Shopify by allowing businesses to provide immediate support to their customers. It offers a platform for real-time communication, ensuring that customers’ questions and issues are addressed promptly. This instant response can significantly improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Additionally, Pure Chat provides features such as pre-chat info form and chat transcripts, which can help businesses understand their customers better and improve the overall service.

Key Features and Benefits

Key features of Pure Chat include:

  1. Live Chat: Pure Chat offers a platform for real-time communication with customers, improving customer service.
  2. Pre-Chat Info Form: Pure Chat allows businesses to collect information from customers before the chat begins, helping to provide personalized service.
  3. Chat Transcripts: Businesses can access chat transcripts, providing a valuable resource for understanding customer needs and improving future interactions.
  4. Customizable Chat Box: Businesses can customize the appearance of the chat box to match their brand aesthetics.

The benefits of Pure Chat include improved customer satisfaction due to instant communication, better understanding of customer needs, and potential increase in sales due to improved customer service.


  • Premium Plans: Starting from $39


live chat app for shopify

Introduction and Overview

HelpCenter is a comprehensive customer support platform designed to streamline customer service for online businesses. With its robust features, including FAQ builder, ticketing system, and live chat, HelpCenter is a comprehensive solution for Shopify store owners looking to improve their customer service.

The Role of HelpCenter in Uplifting Customer Service on Shopify

HelpCenter plays a critical role in enhancing customer service on Shopify by offering a multi-channel support system. With the ability to create a custom FAQ page, customers can easily find answers to their common questions without needing to contact customer support.

In addition, HelpCenter’s ticketing system organizes customer queries efficiently, ensuring no inquiry goes unanswered. Its live chat feature also enables real-time interactions, allowing businesses to address issues promptly and improve customer satisfaction.

Key Features and Benefits

Key features of HelpCenter include:

  1. FAQ Builder: Allows businesses to build a custom FAQ page, helping customers find answers to common questions instantly.
  2. Ticketing System: Organizes customer inquiries in one place, ensuring efficient handling and tracking of customer queries.
  3. Live Chat: Offers a platform for real-time interaction between businesses and customers, leading to swift problem resolution.
  4. Multilingual Support: HelpCenter supports multiple languages, enabling businesses to provide customer service in the customer’s native language.

The benefits of HelpCenter on Shopify include improved customer service efficiency, swift problem resolution, and improved customer satisfaction due to the availability of multi-channel support.


  • Free Plan
  • Premium Plans: Starting from $8

Re:amaze Live Chat & Helpdesk

live chat app for shopify

Introduction and Overview

Re:amaze Live Chat & Helpdesk is a multi-channel customer service platform that integrates live chat, email, social media, and mobile messaging into one centralized dashboard. With its comprehensive suite of tools, Re:amaze helps businesses manage customer interactions efficiently and effectively, offering a seamless experience for both customers and customer support teams.

Enhancing Customer Service with Re:amaze Live Chat & Helpdesk on Shopify

Re:amaze enhances customer service on Shopify by providing businesses with the tools to handle customer interactions in real-time across multiple platforms. It allows businesses to deliver fast, consistent, and effective responses to customer queries, thereby improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Re:amaze’s unique shared inbox feature allows teams to work together to resolve customer inquiries, leading to improved efficiency and consistency in customer service.

Key Features and Benefits

Key features of Re:amaze Live Chat & Helpdesk include:

  1. Multi-Channel Support: Integrates with various communication channels, offering a unified platform for customer interactions.
  2. Shared Inbox: Allows teams to work together to handle customer inquiries efficiently.
  3. Automated Workflows: Enables businesses to automate repetitive tasks and responses, improving efficiency and response time.
  4. Performance Reporting: Provides detailed analytics on team performance, helping businesses identify areas for improvement.

The benefits of using Re:amaze on Shopify include improved customer service efficiency, consistency, and quality, potentially leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased sales.


  • Premium Plans: Starting from $39/month



Recap of the Importance of a Live Chat App for Shopify in Boosting Customer Service

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, customer service plays a critical role in driving customer satisfaction and loyalty. A live chat app for Shopify serves as an effective tool in meeting and exceeding customer expectations. By offering real-time, personalized, and efficient support, these apps not only enhance the shopping experience but also contribute to the overall success of your Shopify store.

Live chat apps like Tidio Live Chat, Zendesk Chat, WhatsApp Chat + Abandoned Cart, LiveChat, Gorgias, Chatra Live Chat, Facebook Live Chat, Pure Chat, HelpCenter, and Re:amaze Live Chat & Helpdesk each come with their unique set of features designed to uplift customer service. They enable your business to connect with customers on a more personal level, handle inquiries promptly, and potentially increase sales through improved customer satisfaction.

Encouragement to Consider These Top Live Chat Apps for a Successful Shopify Store

Choosing the right live chat app for your Shopify store depends on your specific business needs, the size of your operation, and your budget. The apps discussed in this article have proven their effectiveness in enhancing customer service and are worth considering as you look to provide your customers with the best shopping experience.

Remember, the goal of integrating a live chat app into your Shopify store is not only about resolving customer inquiries but also about creating a personalized and seamless shopping experience that will make your customers come back for more. Consider these top live chat apps and take your Shopify store to new heights.

Frequently Asked Question

Does Shopify offer live chat?

Yes, Shopify does offer live chat support. However, this refers to the customer service that Shopify provides to its users. If you're a store owner and want to provide live chat support to your customers, you can do so by integrating a live chat app like Tidio, Zendesk Chat, LiveChat, and others to your Shopify store.

  1. Go to Online Store and select Themes.
  2. Click the three-dot icon on your current theme and select Edit Code.
  3. Choose Sections and then click on footer.liquid.
  4. Then, press Control+F (on PC) or Command+F (on Mac) to search the HTML file. In the search box, type “powered_by_link” and click “Next” to find the code snippet.

  5. Remove the complete code line and save the file.

How do I make a live chat on Shopify?

Creating a live chat on Shopify involves integrating a live chat app from the Shopify app store. Once you've chosen the app you'd like to use, you install it onto your Shopify store following the specific installation instructions provided by the app. After installation, you typically customize the chat settings and appearance to fit your brand before activating it on your store.

u will need to access the theme code and make some changes. The exact steps will depend on the theme you are using, but generally, you will need to go to the “Edit Languages” section and search for the “Powered by Shopify” text. From there, you can delete it or replace it with your own text. Alternatively, you can use a third-party app or hire a developer to remove the text for you.

What is the best live chat for Shopify?

The best live chat app for Shopify depends on your specific needs. However, popular choices include Tidio Live Chat, Zendesk Chat, LiveChat, Gorgias, Chatra Live Chat, Facebook Live Chat, Pure Chat, HelpCenter, and Re:amaze Live Chat & Helpdesk. Each has different features and strengths, so it's recommended to research and choose the one that best fits your business needs.

Is Shopify chat free?

Shopify's own customer support chat for Shopify users is free. However, when it comes to providing live chat support for your customers, the cost depends on the live chat app you choose to integrate. Many apps offer a basic free tier, with additional features and capabilities available in paid plans.

  1. Go to Online Store and select Themes.
  2. Click the three-dot icon on your current theme and select Edit Code.
  3. Choose Sections and then click on footer.liquid.
  4. Then, press Control+F (on PC) or Command+F (on Mac) to search the HTML file. In the search box, type “powered_by_link” and click “Next” to find the code snippet.

  5. Remove the complete code line and save the file.

How do I add ChatBot to Shopify?

Adding a ChatBot to Shopify also involves installing a chatbot app from the Shopify app store. Examples of such apps include Tidio, which offers a chatbot in addition to live chat, or dedicated chatbot apps like ChatBot. After installation, you can customize the chatbot's responses based on typical customer inquiries.

How do I create a Webchat?

Webchat can be created using live chat software. Depending on the software you choose, the steps may vary. However, the general process involves signing up for a service, customizing your chat widget, and installing it on your website, typically by embedding a provided script in your site's HTML.

Is Shopify chat 24 hours?

Shopify's customer service chat for Shopify users operates 24 hours a day. However, if you're providing live chat support for your customers, the hours of operation would depend on your capacity. Some live chat apps provide automated responses or chatbots that can provide basic support when your team is offline.


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