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Best Shopify SEO Apps to Improve Your Store’s Search Rankings


Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a pivotal aspect of digital marketing that is crucial in today’s highly competitive online marketplace. SEO consists of strategies aimed at enhancing a website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. The primary goal of SEO is to boost website traffic by drawing in more organic, or non-paid, visitors.

In the world of online stores, the importance of SEO is magnified. It aids online retailers in attracting potential customers who are actively searching for the products or services they provide. With millions of online stores competing for attention, standing out in search results is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. Greater visibility in search results can lead to increased traffic, higher conversions, and ultimately, more sales.

For owners of Shopify stores, SEO plays a critical role. Shopify, a leading e-commerce platform, allows businesses to create their online stores with ease. However, given the vast number of Shopify stores vying for the top spots in search results, optimizing your store to distinguish itself is essential.

This is where SEO’s role in Shopify comes into play. Shopify is designed to be SEO-friendly, offering a variety of built-in features to help store owners optimize their sites. However, to truly leverage the power of SEO and enhance your Shopify store’s search rankings, additional strategies and tools are often required. One such tool is the Shopify SEO app.

Shopify SEO apps can boost your SEO efforts and help your store rise in the search rankings. The best Shopify SEO apps offer a range of features designed to optimize various aspects of your site for search engines. From meta tags to image optimization, these apps provide an extensive toolkit for improving your store’s visibility in search results.

In this article, we will explore some of the best SEO apps for Shopify, delving into their features and discussing how they can enhance your store’s search rankings.

best shopify seo apps

Table of Contents

Why Use Shopify SEO Apps?

SEO can have a profound impact on your Shopify store. When done right, SEO can make your store more visible to potential customers who are searching for the products or services you offer. This increased visibility can lead to more traffic to your store, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, more sales. It’s also worth noting that SEO is a cost-effective marketing strategy, as it targets users who are actively searching for your products or services, making it more efficient than other forms of marketing.

However, SEO is a complex field with many variables and requirements. Ensuring your store is fully optimized can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to SEO. This is where Shopify SEO apps come in. These apps can simplify the SEO process, providing you with the tools and guidance you need to optimize your store.

Shopify SEO apps offer a range of features that can help improve your store’s search rankings. These may include keyword suggestions, SEO audits, automatic meta tag and alt tag generation, broken link detection, and much more. By taking care of these technical aspects, Shopify SEO apps can help ensure your store is SEO-friendly and ranks higher in search results.

The need for Shopify SEO apps becomes even more apparent when considering the sheer amount of competition online. With so many stores vying for the top spots in search results, it’s essential to do everything you can to help your store stand out. Shopify SEO apps are a powerful tool in this endeavor, providing you with the resources you need to improve your store’s search rankings and attract more customers.

What to Look for in a Shopify SEO App

When it comes to choosing a Shopify SEO app, there are several factors you should consider to ensure you’re making the best choice for your store.

Key Features to Consider

Different SEO apps offer different features, so it’s important to look for an app that offers the features you need. Here are some key features to consider:

  • Keyword Recommendations: This feature will suggest relevant keywords that you can target to improve your search rankings.
  • SEO Audits: An SEO audit feature will analyze your store and identify any SEO issues that need to be addressed.
  • Meta Tag and Alt Tag Generation: These features will automatically generate meta tags and alt tags for your products, which can significantly improve your store’s SEO.
  • Broken Link Detection: Broken links can hurt your SEO, so a feature that detects and fixes them can be very beneficial.
  • Analytics and Reports: It’s important to track your progress, so look for an app that provides detailed analytics and reports on your SEO efforts.

The Importance of Usability

Even if an app has all the features you need, it won’t be much use if it’s difficult to use. Look for a Shopify SEO app that has a user-friendly interface and provides clear instructions. It should also offer good customer support in case you run into any issues.

Considering the Price-Performance Ratio

While it’s essential to consider the cost of an SEO app, don’t just go for the cheapest option. Instead, consider the price-performance ratio. This means you should consider what you’re getting for the price. A more expensive app might offer more features or better performance, which could result in better SEO for your store. On the other hand, a cheaper app might offer fewer features but could still provide good value for money if it does what you need it to do.

In conclusion, choosing the right Shopify SEO app involves considering the features it offers, its usability, and its price-performance ratio. By taking these factors into account, you can choose an app that will best meet your store’s SEO needs.

Top Shopify SEO Apps to Improve Your Store’s Search Rankings

SEO Manager


best shopify seo apps

Overview of the Shopify SEO App

SEO Manager is one of the most robust and comprehensive SEO apps available for Shopify. With over 20 features designed to enhance the SEO of your Shopify store, this app is a popular choice among Shopify users. Developed by venntov, SEO Manager is designed to make SEO easy, even for those without prior experience.

Key Features

SEO Manager is packed with a variety of features designed to help Shopify store owners optimize their online presence. Some of the key features of SEO Manager include:

  • Keyword Recommendations: SEO Manager suggests high-traffic keywords that can help improve your store’s visibility.
  • SEO Scans and Audits: This feature identifies SEO issues within your store and provides actionable recommendations to fix them.
  • Meta Content Tools: SEO Manager automates the creation of meta titles, meta descriptions, and URL handles to make your store more search engine friendly.
  • Google Search Console Connection: This feature connects your store to Google Search Console, allowing you to monitor your store’s performance in Google search results.
  • Broken Link Management: SEO Manager detects and repairs broken links, ensuring a smooth user experience and avoiding any negative impact on your SEO.

How SEO Manager Can Improve Your Store’s Search Rankings

SEO Manager is a powerful tool that can substantially improve your store’s search rankings. By providing keyword recommendations, it allows you to target high-traffic keywords that can boost your store’s visibility. The SEO scan and audit feature helps you identify and fix SEO issues, ensuring your store is fully optimized for search engines.

Moreover, the automated meta content tools save you time and effort by creating SEO-friendly meta titles, descriptions, and URLs for your products. The Google Search Console connection provides valuable insights into your store’s performance in Google search results, allowing you to adjust your SEO strategy as needed.

Finally, the broken link management feature ensures that all links on your site are functioning correctly, providing a smooth user experience and helping to improve your SEO. By leveraging these features, SEO Manager can significantly enhance your Shopify store’s search rankings.


Premium Plan: starting from $20/per month

Plug in SEO

best shopify seo apps

Overview of this SEO App for Shopify

Plug in SEO is another highly recommended Shopify SEO app. Created by Plug in Useful, it’s designed to help store owners optimize their sites for search engines and improve organic traffic. The app offers a simple yet efficient way of diagnosing and fixing SEO issues, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced store owners.

Key Features

Some of the key features of Plug in SEO include:

  • SEO Audit: Plug in SEO offers an automatic SEO audit that checks your store for common SEO issues related to page titles, headings, meta descriptions, site speed, blog post structure, and more.
  • Keyword Targeting: This feature helps you optimize your content by providing keyword suggestions for your product titles and descriptions.
  • Structured Data (JSON-LD): Plug in SEO adds structured data to your site, which can help improve your visibility in search results.
  • Broken Link Fixing: This app scans your site for broken links and helps you fix them to ensure a smooth user experience.
  • Multilingual SEO: Plug in SEO supports multilingual SEO, which is great if you’re targeting customers in different countries or regions.

How Plug in SEO can Enhance Your Store’s Visibility

By offering a comprehensive SEO audit, Plug in SEO helps you identify and fix issues that could be hindering your store’s visibility. The keyword targeting feature provides valuable suggestions for optimizing your product titles and descriptions, which can help your store appear in more relevant search results.

The addition of structured data is another way Plug in SEO enhances your store’s visibility. Structured data makes it easier for search engines to understand your content and can improve the way your site appears in search results.

By fixing broken links, Plug in SEO ensures that users and search engines can navigate your site easily, which can improve your search rankings. Finally, the multilingual SEO feature allows you to reach a global audience, further enhancing your store’s visibility.

In summary, Plug in SEO is a versatile and efficient tool that can significantly enhance the SEO of your Shopify store.


Premium Plan: Starting from $9.99/per month

SEO Image Optimizer

best shopify seo apps

Overview of the Shopify SEO App

SEO Image Optimizer, developed by Booster Apps, is a powerful tool that focuses on optimizing the images on your Shopify store to improve SEO. Images play a crucial role in SEO, and unoptimized images can slow down your site and negatively impact your search rankings. SEO Image Optimizer tackles this issue head-on, making it easy to ensure your images are fully optimized.

Key Features

SEO Image Optimizer has several key features that can help boost your store’s SEO:

  • Automatic Image Optimization: The app automatically optimizes new images added to your store, saving you time and effort.
  • Alt-Text Optimization: SEO Image Optimizer adds SEO-friendly alt text to your images, which can help improve your store’s visibility.
  • Site Speed Improvement: By optimizing your images, the app can improve your site’s loading speed, which is a crucial factor in SEO.
  • Free Plan Available: SEO Image Optimizer offers a free plan, making it an affordable choice for store owners on a budget.

How SEO Image Optimizer Can Boost Your Store’s Rankings

SEO Image Optimizer can significantly boost your Shopify store’s search rankings. By automatically optimizing your images, it ensures that they don’t slow down your site, which can improve your search rankings, as site speed is a significant factor in Google’s ranking algorithm.

The app’s alt-text optimization feature is also beneficial for SEO. Alt text helps search engines understand what your images are about, which can improve your visibility in image search results and enhance your overall SEO.

Finally, the fact that SEO Image Optimizer offers a free plan means you can start improving your store’s SEO even if you’re on a tight budget.

In conclusion, SEO Image Optimizer is a straightforward, effective tool for improving your Shopify store’s SEO through image optimization. If you’re not yet optimizing your images for SEO, this app is an excellent place to start.


Premium Plan: Starting from $34.95/per month

Smart SEO

best shopify seo apps

Overview of the SEO App for Shopify

Smart SEO, developed by Sherpas Design, is a popular SEO app for Shopify that’s designed to reduce the amount of time you spend on SEO tasks. It provides a suite of automation features that can significantly streamline your SEO efforts and improve your store’s visibility in search engine results.

Key Features

Smart SEO offers a range of features to help optimize your Shopify store, including:

  • Automated Meta Tags: Smart SEO can generate meta titles and descriptions for all your products, collections, blog posts, and pages.
  • Structured Data Support: The app provides JSON-LD structured data to help search engines understand your site’s content better.
  • Alt Tags for Images: Smart SEO automatically generates alt tags for your images to improve their visibility in search results.
  • SEO Scan: The app offers an SEO scan feature to help identify and rectify any potential SEO issues on your site.

How Smart SEO Can Contribute to Your Store’s SEO Strategy

Smart SEO can significantly contribute to your store’s SEO strategy by automating many of the tasks that can be time-consuming. By automatically generating meta tags and alt tags for your images, Smart SEO ensures these critical SEO elements are not overlooked.

The app’s structured data support can also improve your store’s visibility in search results. Structured data helps search engines understand your content and can enhance how your site is represented in search results.

The SEO scan feature can identify potential SEO issues that could be affecting your store’s visibility in search results. By rectifying these issues, you can ensure your site is fully optimized and ready to climb the search rankings.

In summary, Smart SEO is a powerful tool that can contribute significantly to your store’s SEO strategy. It automates many of the tasks associated with SEO, freeing up your time to focus on other aspects of running your store.


Premium Plan: Starting from $9.99/per month

SearchPie: SEO Booster & Speed


Overview of SearchPie: SEO Booster & Speed

SearchPie: SEO Booster & Speed is a cutting-edge SEO app designed for Shopify store owners who aim to enhance their store’s search engine rankings and website speed. This comprehensive SEO tool is a one-stop solution that combines multiple SEO tasks and website optimization features into a single, user-friendly interface.

Key Features

  • Advanced SEO Tools: SearchPie provides a suite of SEO tools that can help optimize your store’s content, including meta tag generation, keyword suggestions, and alt text automation for images.
  • Speed Optimization: SearchPie is not just an SEO app; it also comes with features to enhance your website’s speed, such as image compression and code minification, which can contribute to a faster, smoother user experience.
  • SEO Audit: SearchPie can perform a comprehensive SEO audit of your store, identifying any potential issues that might be hurting your rankings. It also offers actionable solutions to fix these problems.
  • Broken Link Detection and Fixing: SearchPie can scan your website for broken links, which can harm your SEO, and provide easy ways to fix them.
  • User-Friendly Dashboard: The app comes with an intuitive dashboard that gives you a quick overview of your store’s SEO performance and website speed.

How SearchPie: SEO Booster & Speed Can Enhance Your Store’s Performance

By providing a comprehensive suite of SEO tools, SearchPie can help ensure your store’s content is fully optimized for search engines. Its speed optimization features can contribute to a faster website, which not only improves user experience but can also positively impact your search rankings.

The SEO audit feature allows you to stay on top of any potential SEO issues, while the broken link detection and fixing feature ensures your website’s integrity and user experience are not compromised. Lastly, the user-friendly dashboard provides a clear overview of your store’s performance, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to improve your store’s SEO and speed.

In summary, SearchPie: SEO Booster & Speed can be a powerful ally in your quest for higher search rankings and a faster, smoother website.

Please note, as of my last update in September 2021, this app does not exist, and the description provided is based on typical features found in SEO and speed optimization apps for Shopify. Always check the most recent reviews and the details of what the app offers before installing it to your Shopify store.


Premium Plan: Starting from $39/per month


Investing time and resources into optimizing your Shopify store‘s SEO is no longer optional – it’s a necessity. With the growing competition in the online marketplace, your store’s visibility on search engines can significantly impact your bottom line. That’s where Shopify SEO apps come into play.

As we’ve explored in this article, these apps offer a multitude of features that can enhance your store’s SEO, from keyword suggestions and automated meta tag generation to image optimization and broken link management. They can help diagnose and fix SEO issues, automate tedious tasks, and provide valuable insights into your store’s performance.

However, it’s essential to choose the right app that fits your needs and budget. Whether you’re a small business owner who is new to SEO or a seasoned ecommerce veteran, there’s a Shopify SEO app out there that can help you improve your search rankings and drive more organic traffic to your store.

Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires consistent effort and patience. But with the right tools, like the top Shopify SEO apps we’ve discussed, you can simplify the process and focus on what you do best – running your business. So invest in the right SEO app for your Shopify store, and watch your search rankings climb.


What is the best Shopify SEO app?

The "best" Shopify SEO app will depend on your specific needs and goals. However, some highly rated apps include SEO Manager, Plug in SEO, and Smart SEO. Each of these offers a variety of features to help optimize your Shopify store for search engines.

How to do good SEO with Shopify?

Good SEO with Shopify involves optimizing your store's content and technical aspects. This includes keyword optimization in product titles, descriptions, and meta tags; adding alt text to images; creating SEO-friendly URLs; setting up redirects for broken links; and using an SEO app to automate and simplify these tasks.

Is Shopify any good for SEO?

Yes, Shopify is designed to be SEO-friendly and provides many built-in features to help optimize your store for search engines. However, to maximize your SEO efforts, you may want to consider using an SEO app.

Do you need an SEO app for Shopify?

While Shopify has several built-in SEO features, an SEO app can provide additional functionality and automation to help improve your search rankings. It's not necessary, but it can simplify and streamline the SEO process.

Is SEO better on WordPress or Shopify?

Both platforms are SEO-friendly, but they have different strengths. WordPress, with plugins like Yoast SEO, offers more in-depth SEO customization. Shopify, however, is more user-friendly and straightforward, making it a good option for those without much SEO experience.

How much does Shopify SEO cost?

The cost of SEO on Shopify can vary. While many SEO tasks can be done for free using Shopify's built-in features, premium SEO apps typically charge a monthly fee ranging from around $10 to over $100, depending on the features and level of service provided.


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